Monday, August 31, 2020

NEW (Old) Book!

Looking around at other authors blogs lately, I've been noticing that the general topics seem to be more related to the books they're promoting than making social statements (like I've been doing of late). Maybe time to back off there, eh?All righty then! Since much of my time over the past month has been learning lots about Amazon marketing AND Kindle Direct Publishing, let's share about my newest offering in the Kindle Store! It also happens to be my oldest piece of writing since I've been doing stories. It, like CROSS GATE to follow, had more to do with finding an outlet for all the thoughts and ideas popping into my head, than setting out with a goal to 'write a book.' It was material of an entirely spiritual level; the outcome of answers to questions I'd screamed out to God that I needed! Kind of a rough time.                                 When the answers came, they arrived like a deluge, and I had no other course but to start writing it all down. The more I did, the more of a story it became. So, because I was chronicling, and it was about God, I just affectionately started calling it   The God Chronicle

Now, twenty years later, with the pending need to sink my teeth into learning KDP better, and my other books in the line-up not print-ready yet, my first (and only) short suddenly looked to be in the 'on-deck-circle'! 

So, as the first month of Fall greets us, so too does my latest offering as A.F. Roberts! Welcome to The God Chronicle!  

"A story that's the end result of a personal struggle of faith, when it wasn't making sense anymore. Written somewhat in the style as a book of the Bible, God Chron explores the 'behind-the-scenes' possibilities of the entire biblical scenario. The precursor to 'the Fall of Man'; the Fall of Angels, and how this could mightily factor into 'original sin.'

Christianity focuses upon Jesus being a focal point rather than ourselves. Yet, because of His gesture to meet OUR need of 'separation-by-sin,' we still look to Him ABOUT our shortcomings. The God Chronicle takes a hard look at how 'the dark side' didn't start with US at all, and humanity's predicament being a result, but not the initial CAUSE of the conundrum.

Origins of 'the Trinity' are delved into with respect to Creation, Angels, Demons, Lucifer, Adam, Eve and the whole of Mankind.

Take your seats in left field at the ballpark for this one, and be ready to try and field some hits that are sure to go out of the park!"


Thursday, July 2, 2020

"Oh Beautiful for - (Stormy) Skies..."

America – the beautiful – and the ugly. For a country as gorgeous as it is, as strong as its citizenry has been, the freedoms we’ve touted for so long are now driving us apart on multiple levels.

It can be seen painfully, crystally clear in our responses to government mandates such as the wearing of the masks to stop our virus spread. So entitled have we become with respect to ‘our rights’ (and trust me, I don’t take them for granted), that we’ll argue over even this. While the rest of the world acquiesces (and their numbers go down), we argue the validity of whether we should or shouldn’t do it (which we have the right to do). But our numbers keep going up, up, up.Occasionally, how about just doing what we’re told without too much static?

“I’m an American! There's laws, we got rights!” Yeah, we do, but the paranoia over having them ‘widdled away’ might wind up being a contributor to a country decaying around us (among many other things). When you have to debate everything, and can’t be of one mindset to move forward on anything, you basically paralyze yourself. And it’s not just on our populace, it’s the politicians too. Our governing bodies are supposed to be in place to govern, but how hard is that when you're pulled in every direction at once, not to mention your own agendas while you're in office? Guess we're all in the same boat. 

I used to pay no mind to it in the past, just us being us. But now, in light of a global situation where being unified is the way to get through it, then seeing how we as a nation balk at what we’re asked to do, I think maybe I see us as more problematic than I wanted to admit. I am thankful, however, that as I venture out in my day-to-day, that most everybody seems to be doing what they’re asked. Yay, team!

Ironically, I’m writing this around Independence Day, go figure. And while we celebrate our freedoms (as we should), we’ll also sturdy ourselves that we’re the best the world’s got, and we’ve gotta stand tall, be patriotic and proud. Maybe too proud? Too – stubborn? Perhaps a little (or a lot).

It’s one thing to be proud (good, kinda); then picking fights over differences; race, gender, sexuality, politics, because your pride’s in the way (bad, really!) I do understand the need to stand up for diminishing core values, believe me, but a lot of times we do it in a way that disrespects others (in a time where everyone’s ultra-sensitive about being respected). I don’t know what the answer is, but seems to me like one hand needs to grow a thicker skin and the other needs some sensitivity training). Yeah, I’m talking about the left and the right (hands) there ;o)

Why am I speaking about any of this at all? Well, as a TV program I was watching this week put it, ‘freedom requires responsibility.’ I guess, as I’ve begun to take this writer thing more seriously, perhaps I feel some sense of that – to at least share an opinion. To take the voice I’ve been given (and while trying to make something of it); just talk about what needs to be talked about, lending my two cents, for whatever that’s worth…

Thursday, June 11, 2020

"I Have a Dream" Dream-Walk It!

Wow, pretty 'charged' times we find ourselves in! Pandemics and Social Injustice.

Today I'm talking about the latter. Specifically, how the Race part factors in, which of course, is mainly the factor!

But first, we visit something I write about in my books quite a bit. It's a premise that's in all my stories, either a little or alot. It's dreaming - shared dreaming (often called dream-walking). 
In my tales, the characters generally use it to communicate to one another when verbal or person-to-person isn't available. 

Now, a certain icon for social change once said, "I Have a Dream!" 

And we all have 'dreams' for how we'd like things to be, individually of course, but I'm talking as community. African Americans, collectively, have a dream of how they'd like to see things ideally. Caucasians, as a unit, would have their own dream-vision of what 'perfect world' might look like. Hispanics too, would have their ideal 'dream-state' for life as it ought to be as well. As I've gone through this list (which could go on, but you get the idea), keep in mind, I'm not talking about the extremists in any of these groups, I'm talking 'Joe-average' citizens, just so we're straight!

Applying the 'dream-walk' theory (as in 'WALK a mile in your brother's shoes), to our specific racial groups, the 'dream' of each one does nothing on its own. Unless the dreams are communicating with each other, AS IN a dream-walk, they're practically meaningless. 

Don't misunderstand - I'm not saying any individual groups' dreams don't mean anything; of course they're viable - but the message will never get through to the other side unless group B's dreams actually start to mean something to group C - and vice versa! 

Unless communities come together in this way, at least conceptually as I'm suggesting here, social change, to the point of UNITY won't happen ever

Is this metaphorical talk utterly idealistic? Of course it is. As long as PRIDE is the crux of any movement, it all stays the same. Black Pride, Gay Pride, White Pride, whatever, does nothing but 'Puff Up' the specific group, and generally turns off the other. If you ask me, the only ones that have any merit are those that focus on 'the culture,' not the race. Irish, Spanish, and Italians, for example, can strut the culture card over the race one, and it comes off smoother, inviting. This 'pride' smacks more of homeage to the richness of the cultural history, not the race itself. This is what gets one race more interested in the other, not just the blowhard noise of 'White is Right,' or 'Black is Beautiful.' 

Food for thought - something that paralleled in my mind today that could be a step in making the Dream a reality - 'Dream-walk It!'

Saturday, May 9, 2020


These last couple of weeks I've found myself coming into the place where I can concretely express why the joy of writing can be so compelling and fulfilling. 

In a nutshell, it's the experience of the story writing itself. 
Let me preface this by saying that you do start with a plan - an outline of some sort. You kind of pattern it out in your head (or on paper); I've done both. Most times getting underway with a new tale is, without question, the hardest. Laying the groundwork, the 'start-up' and where it needs to go can be huge - and difficult. 

But then - aahh - once you're beginning to roll and things are (roughly) falling into place, then the fun begins! It's when your characters are getting well-developed enough ('cause you've taken the time to), they start to grow of their own accord. And once these established individuals begin to interact with one another, those very interactions oftentimes change how you originally imagined the story arc playing out!

It's almost like real life - or - any book you're reading for the first time. You don't know where it's going or how it's going to end (unless, of course, it's a predictable story); it's the very reason you're doing recreational reading for enjoyment in the first place! 

When you have the blessing (like I tend to have a lot), of being able to write a tale in this same fashion as you read one, it is really utter magic! This is probably one of the key elements that keep me engaged enough to continue penning the crazy novels that I do. 

My current brainchild, Em-Erika, is doing exactly that. This project is the first time I've actually taken the time to map out a detailed storyboard synopsis prior to the actual writing. Now, practically 32 chapters into it, the deviations from the outline are many and vast. 

Best example on this one is the fact that some early research for the story revealed that I'd be unable, in the time period being written, to have a female professor at a university where a character could receive mentoring from. This forced me to change it up to where the tutoring the character would get had to come from a (female) classmate instead. As such, I had to develop the new girl to a degree - to the point she became perfect fodder for a needed antagonistic element later in the story! 

You cannot always anticipate these occurrences, and I think, sometimes aren't supposed to! I'm coming into the realization that this is how the true creative flow works! It's absolutely great, and why I figure I'll keep doing this as long as good flow keeps streaming!     

Sunday, April 26, 2020

Unknown – But Unafraid?

Earth Day/Mother Earth by Alice Popkorn 
 The stories we tell – in books, television and movies – specifically those NOT about our known circumstances – they fall into several categories; which, if you break them down, are rather interesting to note. Why? Because they speak to how much we’re clueless about, and what we’re probably afraid of!

1.       The unknown of what’s above – in space. Alien invasions, catastrophic impacts from celestial bodies, or any number of a myriad of things in the universe that could shift us out of the perfect little balance we have on planet Earth.

2.       The unknown of what’s below – in the deep. Mermaids/Sirens, ginormous sea beasts or other creatures of mythology. Sharks, whales, octopus (all usually the giant variety!) Maybe include here that which is even below the ocean, the mantle and fiery core (and however we can imagine that going sideways)!

3.       The unknown of what’s on – the other side. The spiritual realm, the dark realm; ghosts, spirits, demons, angels, gods and anti-gods. Who’s friendly? Who’s malevolent? Who seeks our utter destruction? Who seeks to bestow us grace? Probably THE scariest of them all, as there’s much less to go on as far as what can be learned (as opposed to the above) – until we’ve crossed that threshold.

4.       The unknown of what’s within. Couldn’t leave this one out, considering the present conditions we’re dealing with in real life. That which can get into us internally (from externally), that was probably inside something else to start with! Viral/bacterial outbreaks, epidemics, pandemics. The things we can’t even see that can/could spell our demise.

There’s probably more, but that’s enough to make the point. And what is the point? Simply that, it’s intriguing where the storytelling soul of man tends to go in order to give us a good tale and something to think about. Because, believe me, these writers are pondering long and hard as they write their books and their scripts. They’re giving us all material to not only entertain, but to speak to that which is at the very core of all mankind. The want to know more of – what we don’t!
Personally, I happen to believe that this speaks to the greatest potential of human beings there is: the (God-given) ability to be far greater than the little worker bees and ants which most of us basically are. To reach, above, below, within, and without – because at some time, somewhere, before everything we’ve created for and to restrict ourselves – the Divine had in mind for us to be far, far, far, far, far – more.   

Saturday, April 18, 2020


Alrighty then, enough of my shameless promos - it's 'Resurrection Sunday' as we like to say. Staying true to form, time to drop some 'fresh Easter eggs' on ya'll (try to make these comments timely don'tcha know!)
Okay, so we're in the middle of a crisis (not of faith, but straight up physically), with the solutions still looking shaky at best.
Now, upon the death and resurrection of Jesus, a resolution to our 'transgressionary crisis' with God was had. Jesus died (boo) but was raised (yay) to deal with the situation. And since this occurrence, we hear regularly of his demise and revival as part of our culture and faith.
May the good news of Easter, the raising of our Lord, be something we can parallel to our current situation. We hear about the numbers testing positive, and climbing cases of deaths. But, does our news and other media outlets focus much on the numbers of RECOVERY? No, because its page 2 stuff, not as 'sensational'. And its not their fault really, it's human nature to focus on the turmoil and conflict till we reach the end (like a book, yo).
RESURRECTION = RECOVERY - there's a metaphor for you! Sure, we gotta talk about the death (and the deaths); it's relevant. But, like today, when we're focused on that 'return to life' by our guy, let's simultaneously get our eye on those numbers of recovered Corona sufferers!
Just like the wages of sin are not necessarily death (thanks to the Man!), Corona isn't absolutely the mark of the death angel on you either! But, ah, humans! We get fixated and side-tracked, don't we? "It's in your nature to destroy yourselves," Arnold, The Terminator once said.
Time to quote 'ol Georgy Bush Sr. 'Stay the course, a thousand points of light.'! (Of course I only remember that from Dana Carvey's impression of him on SNL)!